Compounded Prescriptions

Discover the Benefits of Custom Medication

Compounded prescriptions are a game changer in the field of pharmaceuticals. These personalized medications are mixed from their constituent chemicals by a pharmacist or technician who adds or takes away certain ingredients requested by the patient. 


Everyone’s medication needs are different, and some medication variants are not available in commercially prepared formulations. Usually, a drug will not not be produced by a commercial manufacturer unless it can be patented so it can make money for the drug company. Natural hormone products are an example of the types of drugs that cannot be patented.

That’s why we make compounded prescriptions in Northern New Jersey to meet individual patient needs. Our services are also designed to help patients in unique situations. For example, a high blood pressure medication that is commercially available for adults may need to be dissolved and made into a liquid so it can be safely given to an infant.  We also offer custom medications that are:

Compounded prescriptions are, essentially, custom prescriptions that are made to meet the precise needs of each patient. 

Want to find out more? Contact us today.

    Prescription compounding in Wyckoff, NJ, Ho-Ho Kus, NJ, North Haledon, NJ, Totowa, NJ, and North Bergen, NJ

    Types of Dosage Forms in Prescription Compounding

    We can compound a variety of different dosage forms, such as:

    These specialized dosage forms will help ensure that you receive your medication in the most convenient form possible. For those who have difficulty swallowing tablets or capsules, for example, we can compound a pleasantly flavored liquid for you that is easy to swallow. We can even turn tablets or capsules into a transdermal gel that can be rubbed onto the skin.

    Custom Flavoring in Prescription Compounding

    We also offer custom medicine flavors to suit your preferences. With over 40 flavors available, you’re bound to find a way to make your medication much more palatable.

    Custom medication flavors can be especially helpful for children with picky eating habits. Some of our most popular flavors for children include:

    medicine flavors in Wyckoff, NJ, Ho-Ho Kus, NJ, North Haledon, NJ, Totowa, NJ, and North Bergen, NJ
    adrenal and thyroid medication in Wyckoff, NJ, Ho-Ho Kus, NJ, North Haledon, NJ, Totowa, NJ, and North Bergen, NJ

    Prescription Compounding for Adrenal and Thyroid Conditions

    Many commonly-available medications for adrenal and thyroid issues contain ingredients that some people have adverse reactions to. We can make effective, custom adrenal and thyroid medication that will suit your specific needs. Some of the custom prescriptions we offer include:

    • Vitamin C
    • Pantothenic acid
    • Vitamin B6
    • Manganese
    • Magnesium
    • Raw adrenal tissue

    Prescription Compounding for Hormonal Imbalances

    As we age, our bodies change, which means that our hormones and nutritional needs change too. Some of the foods that you love may now upset your stomach. You may also start experiencing signs of a hormonal imbalance, such as insomnia, fatigue, and unexplainable weight gain


    Our pharmacists can help you balance your hormones and improve the quality of your life. With a hormonal consultation, we can discuss which medications are right for you and craft the perfect formulation. 


    Some of our hormonal imbalance medications include:

    We also offer Bioidentical Hormone Therapy. Bioidentical Hormone Therapy (BHRT) is a revolutionary treatment that can alleviate symptoms caused by a decrease in hormone production in the body. It can also reestablish your hormonal balance and provide additional protective benefits.


    Any woman who is having hormone-related symptoms severe enough to affect the quality of her life should consider asking about the benefits of BHRT, especially during a hormonal consultation. In particular, women who have had a hysterectomy or women who have strong family histories of heart disease, osteoporosis, or Alzheimer’s disease should consider getting BHRT. 

    BHRT works with four different hormones:

    Each hormone has a different effect on your body. Balancing them can improve you libido, relieve symptoms associated with menopause, decrease your risk of developing colon and colorectal cancer, prevent postpartum depression, and much more.  

    Contact us today to talk about the benefits of BHRT during a hormonal consultation with one of our experienced hormone consultants!

    hormonal imbalance medication in Wyckoff, NJ, Ho-Ho Kus, NJ, North Haledon, NJ, Totowa, NJ, and North Bergen, NJ

    Prescription Compounding for Rectal Care

    With our state of the art compounding laboratory and pharmaceutical knowledge and experience, we can create two unique rectal pain medications.

    Rectal Rocket Treatment for Internal and External Hemorrhoids

    The first formula is a suppository called “the Rectal Rocket” that is used to treat internal and external hemorrhoids. 

    With ingredients like hydrocortisone for inflammation and lidocaine for pain, the Rectal Rocket is a very effective rectal treatment. The contoured front end and flared bottom ensure that the suppository remains in continuous contact with the anal sphincter and the external perianal area for optimal results.

    Nifedipine Treatment for Internal and External Hemorrhoids

    We also offer an innovative treatment for anal fissures called Nifedipine. Because the tissue near the anus can easily become irritated, it’s important to address anal pain as soon as possible. Over time, patients can eventually develop chronic pain that will not heal. 


    The most common cause of chronic anal fissures is spasms that happen in the internal anal sphincter muscle. Consistent spasms lead to insufficient blood supply to the anal mucosa. The result is a non-healing ulcer. 

    Nifedipine is a vasodilator, which increases the blood supply to the anal mucosa by lowering sphincter pressure, allowing the anus to heal. Your physician can prescribe a formula with different potencies to help relieve anal pain as soon as possible.

    Prescription Compounding for Pain Management

    Medications that relieve inflammation and pain can sometimes cause undesirable side effects, including cardio-vascular complications, drowsiness, gastric irritation, and unwanted systemic side effects. Topical administration (e.g., creams, gels, and ointments), on the other hand, delivers the drug directly to the disease site with a higher concentration, while reducing unwanted side effects.


    We can create a custom prescription for pain management that combines several medications into a single topical gel ready to be applied directly to the affected areas. Because patients vary in size, symptoms, and pain tolerances, commercially available medications often do not provide appropriate dosage strength.


    That’s why we work with you and your physician to solve chronic pain issues by customizing medications that meet your specific needs. Please ask your physician to contact our compounding pharmacist to discuss the dosage form, strength, and specific medication or combination that is appropriate for your condition.


    Our pain management medications can help with the following conditions:

    Pain management in Wyckoff, NJ, Ho-Ho Kus, NJ, North Haledon, NJ, Totowa, NJ, and North Bergen, NJ

    Prescription Compounding for Podiatry

    We have experience crafting effective foot pain medicine that meets the specific needs of numerous patients with various podiatry conditions. Some of our most popular foot creams include penetration enhancers to improve the absorption rate into the skin. There are numerous medications that can be combined into a single dosage form for your convenience. 


    We have experience crafting effective foot pain medicine that meets the specific needs of numerous patients with various podiatry conditions. Some of our most popular foot creams include penetration enhancers to improve the absorption rate into the skin. There are numerous medications that can be combined into a single dosage form for your convenience. 


    We also provide custom treatments for diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is a chronic condition, and patients are usually instructed to take oral medications to manage the symptoms. However, if you don’t want to swallow pills, our compounders can work with your doctor to develop a custom prescription that can be applied topically.

    Prescription Compounding for Pets

    In addition to prescription compounding for human medications, we also offer prescription compounding for household pets if approved by a veterinarian. Because we know you want only the best for your pet, we take special care to make sure each dosage is just right based on the size and breed. 


    All medications can be compounded in the following forms per a veterinarian’s prescription:

    Just like we do for our human patients, we can create custom pet medications by changing them in the following ways:

    Flavored Pet Treats

    We can also flavor your pets’ medications with a wide variety of flavors depending on their taste preferences. Our flavors for pets include beef, chicken, liver, and cheese for dogs as well as salmon, tuna, and sardines for cats. We even provide flavors birds can enjoy, like tutti frutti or banana! 

    We also can add color to pet medications to make them more appealing for specific animals.

    Paw Pastes

    Our custom prescriptions for pets also include convenient paw pastes that can be applied to your pet’s paw or fur. Since animals hate having anything stuck to them, they will lick the paste right off and ingest the medication.