What Can Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) Do for Me?


Any woman who is having hormone-related symptoms severe enough to affect the quality of her life. Symptoms can include, but are not limited to: vaginal dryness, decreased libido, fatigue, decreased concentration and memory, irregular or heavy menstrual cycles, insomnia, irritability, depression or persistent sadness, palpitations or hot flashes.

ny woman who has had a hysterectomy should consider BHRT. This is particularly important for women who have had their ovaries removed. Women who have had hysterectomies but still have their ovaries should be monitored for evidence of early menopause. Hormone levels should be monitored and treatment initiated with estradiol levels fall below 50pg/ml and FSH levels are greater than 50mlU.

Women who have strong family histories of heart disease, osteoporosis or Alzheimer’s disease are also good candidates for BHRT.  Breast and endometrial cancer are not definitive contraindications to hormone replacement therapy.

Understanding the hormones behind the symptoms (and the relief of such) can help you see whether BHRT might be right for you.

Estrogens (Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol):


Androgen (Testosterone):

Androgen (DHEA):


The use of certain anti-aging nutrients, herbs and compounds helps to prevent oxygenation and the formation of free-radicals. They may also help:

The use of certain anti-aging nutrients, herbs and compounds helps to prevent oxygenation and the formation of free-radicals. They may also help: