Pain Management
Pain management is essential because even when the underlying cause is controlled, pain can prevent you from working productively, enjoying recreation or taking pleasure in your usual roles in the family and in society. Chronic pain may have a myriad of causes and perpetuating factors and therefore can be much more difficult to manage than acute pain. We can help!
Medications that relieve inflammation and pain and relax muscles can cause undesirable side effects, including cardio-vascular complications, drowsiness, gastric irritation and unwanted systemic side effects. Topical administration (e.g., cream, gel and ointment), on the other hand, delivers the drug directly to the disease site and produces high local drug concentration, while reducing unwanted side effects.

A specially prepared compound that combines several medications into a single topical gel ready to be applied directly to affected areas can eliminate these multiple products. Because patients vary in size, symptoms and pain tolerances, commercially available medications often do not provide appropriate dosage strength.
We work with you and your physician to solve chronic pain issues by customizing medications that meet your specific needs. Please ask your physician to contact our compounding pharmacist to discuss the dosage form, strength and medication or combination that is most appropriate for you.
Physicians, please call 201.899.5990 and ask for Tony Ortiz, or “one of the compounding pharmacists”. We’re happy to work with you to solve the most complex pain issues. Technical information.