Foot Problems? Ask your podiatrist to contact us for a preparation just for you!
Podiatrists and other health care professionals encounter numerous problems that may be helped with compounded medications.
We commonly prepare unique formulations that prescribers develop to meet specific needs of their patient population, or “tried and true” formulas acquired during professional training. Penetrate enhancers can be added to improve the extent of absorption of topically applied medications. Numerous compatible medications can be combined into a single dosage form for ease of administration. Also, a synergistic effect can be achieved when certain medications are used concomitantly.
Diabetic Neuropathy is a condition chronic condition that patients usually must take oral medications to control the symptoms. Our compounders can assist your doctor in prescribing the appropriate combination to be applied topically.

Onychomycosis (Nail Fungus)
Itraconazole 1%/Ibuprofen 2% in DMSO Nail Polish Fluconazole 1%/DMSO Topical Solution Itraconazole 3%/Fluconazole 3%/Terbinafine 1% in DMSO Nail Poilsh
Fungal Skin Infections
Clotrimazole 2%/Ibuprofen 2%/Tea Tree Oil 1% Topical Cream Ketoconazole/Tea Tree Oil/DMSO Antifungal Solution Amphotericin 3% Topical Lotion
Nail Removal (Non-Surgical)
Urea 40% Ointment Urea 40%/Bacitracin/Clotrimazole/ Ibuprofen/DDG Ointment
Circulation Problems
Nifedipine 4% Topical Lipoderm Pentoxifylline (5%, 10% & 15%) Lipoderm Nifedipine 16% Topical Lipoderm
Diabetic Neuropathy
Ketamine 10%/Gabapentin 6%/Clonidine 0.2%/Nifedipine 2% Topical Lipoderm Amitriptyline HCl 2%/Baclofen 5%/Ketamine HCl 5%/Ketoprofen 10% Topical Lipoderm
Burning Foot Syndrome
Amitriptyline HCl 2%/Baclofen 5%/Ketamine HCl 5%/Ketoprofen 10% Topical Lipoderm Ketamine 10%/Gabapentin 6%/Clonidine 0.2%/ Nifedipine 2% Topical Lipoderm Gabapentin 10%/Clonidine HCl 0.2%/Baclofen 1% Topical Anhydrous Lipoderm
Hyperhidrosis of the Feet (Sweaty Feet)
Glycopyrrolate 1% Topical Cream
Wound Care
Treatment of Wounds Without Infection:
Phenytoin 5%/Misoprostol 0.0024% Topical Gel Ketoprofen 2%/Lidocaine 2%/Misoprostol 0.0024%/Phenytoin 2%/Aloe Vera 0.2% Topical Cream
Treatment of Infected Wounds:
Misoprostol 0.0024%/Phenytoin 5%/Metronidazole 2% Topical Gel Misoprostol 0.0024%/Phenytoin 5%/Gentamicin 0.2% Topical Gel
Plantar Fasciitis
Ketoprofen 20%/Ibuprofen 2%/Ketamine 2%/Clonidine 0.2%/Amitriptyline Hcl 2%/Guaifenesin 2% Topical Lipoderm Ketoprofen 10%/Cyclobenzaprine HCl 2% Topical Lipoderm Baclofen 5%/Ketoprofen 10%/Lidocaine 5%/Gabapentin 5% Topical Lipoderm
Burning Foot Syndrome
Amitriptyline HCl 2%/Baclofen 5%/Ketamine HCl 5%/Ketoprofen 10% Topical Lipoderm Ketamine 10%/Gabapentin 6%/Clonidine 0.2%/ Nifedipine 2% Topical Lipoderm Gabapentin 10%/Clonidine HCl 0.2%/Baclofen 1% Topical Anhydrous Lipoderm
Salicylic Acid 10%/Podophyllum 10%/Trichloroacetic Acid 10% (W/V) Topical Solution Salicylic Acid/Menthol Cream
Rough/Dry Feet
Urea 25% Topical Foam Urea 8% Topical Cream
Cimetidine 10%/Deoxy-D-Glucose 0.29%/Ibuprofen 2% Topical Lipoderm Salicylic Acid 40% Ointment Cantharidin Plus Topical Liquid Fluorouracil 5%/Salicylic Acid 6% Topical Cream
Inflammation from Injury
Piroxicam 5% in Lipoderm Transdermal Gel Diclofenac Sodium 10% in Lipoderm Transdermal Gel Ketoprofen 10% Topical Lipoderm (Pentylene Glycol) Ibuprofen 20% in Lipoderm Transdermal Gel
Tired & Aching Feet
Foot Soak (Citrus Relaxation) Relaxing Foot Effervescent Magnesium Chloride 10%/Peppermint 1% Topical Cream