Take Control of Your Hormones!
Get your life back and start living again! We can help you take control of your hormones, allowing you to:
- Stay cooler
- Lose weight
- Sleep better
- Banish mood swings
- Restore your energy
Working closely with your healthcare provider, we can help you start and maintain a hormone regime that will bring you back in balance. Atlas Drug & Nutrition offers simple saliva and urine tests to check your hormones and neurotransmitter levels—ways to determine the best options for YOU.
There isn’t a one size fits all solution–
Call 201.869.5990 or stop by today and let us help you take control of your hormones.

What Are Bio-Identical Hormones?
Bio-identical hormones have the same chemical structure as hormones produced by the human body. Only hormones whose chemical structure exactly matches the body, will reproduce the same effects. These hormones are able to follow normal metabolic pathways so that essential active metabolites (breakdown products) are formed. “Bio-identical” does not refer to the source of the hormone, but rather indicates that the chemical structure of the replacement hormone is identical to that of the hormone it is replacing. Natural hormones are transformed to the human bio-identical hormones from sterile analogies (precursors) found in many plants, primarily wild yams and soy products.